10 September, 2008

around our home...

here are some photos of a few of the things around our home (which i'm going to include in my new 'around our home' set on flickr). :-) little things that may be tucked away on a shelf and then brought out at just the right moment. or put in a windowsill in a beautiful handcrafted frame. special things that bring beauty into our home and our lives. the very things i know my children will remember and cherish as they get older. and taking photos like this gives me pause to appreciate all of these little things. anyone else want to share some pictures of the things around your home?

yours in homeyness,



  1. very warmly, very quiet atmosphere. tank you from my heart

  2. It's those little things that make a home so lovely. Beautiful photos!

  3. beautiful photos. This is a lovely idea and a great way to take notice of those little tucked away things that we may over look day to day. Blessings.

  4. oh, i admire your home a lot right now. we are still not settled into our new place and i'm feeling pretty unnerved about the whole thing. i'd love to get some tips from you on lazure, too.

  5. I am so glad you are doing this. I am very inspired by your home. Loving the colors!

  6. thanks, everyone! grace, i'll drop you an email. :)


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