03 January, 2009

around the house...

felted mamas by haddy2dogs

ostheimer shepherd boy and hen house

small felted tapestry by orit dotan


  1. So glad you featured her Waldorf Mama w/baby doll. I have one just like that I got last week. It's amazingly beautiful!!!! I absolutely adore it. The seller is really sweet too!!! Worth every penny!!!

  2. colleen - yes, mel is one of my all time favorite people. and she is an amazing artist, too. :)

  3. Oh my... I know a little boy who has been thinking on that hen house for sometime... my own little chicken papa would be beside himself.
    Come to think of it... I think I myself would like to come and play at your house!

  4. I am giggling a little bit at the picture of the felted nursing mama.. I think I actually had the red headed one (or one similar to it) in my Etsy Favorites for months! It disappeared and how sweet to see that you have it (or one identical) :).

    Again, your lovely things soothe and inspire me, Shelley.

    Have a blessed day!


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