12 March, 2008

waldorf window stars...

a quick little update here. i've finally added the window stars i've made to my waldorfmama shop! two different styles and a variety of colors. here are a couple of my favorites...

yours on a sunny day,



Cadi said...


These are so beautiful. I made some with my 5th graders to "explore" geometry hands-on back at Christmas-time. I love the colors when there's overlapping and the light shines through! :-)


World Wide Alternative said...

I love window stars but get my hands on kite paper over here. I think I need to look harder...Xxx

Gypsy said...

They are so beautiful - I just adore your crafts, such an inspiration

Teaching Handwork said...

i LOVE making window stars...its so nice to have them in your home...a true Waldorf touch!