28 July, 2008

bath time...

bath time is a special time around our house. a time to wind down before bedtime. play time with papi. a time to get warm and clean. i remember vividly taking baths with my sister when i was a young girl. and i've always taken my children into a warm bath when they have been sick to soothe and relax them. here are some pictures of our bath time girl...

yours in bath time fun,


24 July, 2008

baby hat photos...

sarah over at uniquely you photo has graciously allowed me to use a couple of her beautiful photos showing off two of my hats (which she had purchased earlier). aren't these photos just amazing? what a gift she has...

i offered to send her a couple of more silk hats - one in natural creme and one in rosy pink - if she could take some additional pictures for me during one of her newborn sessions...and she has agreed! lucky me.  :)

yours in newborn sweetness,


20 July, 2008

blue sky day...

yours on this beautiful blue sky day,


11 July, 2008

me :: friday

'every second is of infinite value.' ~ goethe

yours on this unforgettable friday,


10 July, 2008

me :: thursday

'all power is from within, and therefore under our control.' ~ robert collier

yours on this powerful thursday,


09 July, 2008

me :: wednesday

'i honor in you the divine that i honor within myself and i know we are one.' ~ deepak chopra

today is global peace mediation day. please take a moment to join thousands of meditators around the globe in the collective intention of creating peace in the world and peace within.  you can find more info here. be the change!

yours on this peace full wednesday,


08 July, 2008

me :: tuesday

'all that we are is a result of what we have thought. the mind is everything. what we think...we become.' ~ buddha

yours on this thought filled tuesday,


07 July, 2008

me :: monday

okay, i'm putting myself to the challenge. a week of self portraits. now this is small potatoes compared to what erin, over at bluebirdbaby, is doing (365 days - amazing). but a challenge to myself, nonetheless. so here we go with day 1 :: monday...

i've been getting back into the rhythm of reading all of my favorite blogs again. and i'm finding it very interesting that several people are challenging themselves to self-portraits. looking to see the beauty in themselves. introspective. a good exercise, definitely. i think we, as women (particularly in our western culture)...are so often critical of ourselves. and to move into that positive space where we can truly see our own beauty is so very important.

yours on this beautiful monday,


06 July, 2008


here's one of wesley and i together.  we celebrated 10 years together in june (9 years of marriage).  :)

yours in love,


05 July, 2008


hi everyone.  well, i've finally finished 3 posts that i've had in the edit stage for almost a month now. ahh, this feels good. getting caught up. being creative again. finishing things that i've started. very important to me.

and i'm getting back into a good rhythm in our days and plan to post more regularly again. we've been working on an earlier bedtime routine at night and it's been easier than i anticipated. and i'm really enjoying my creative time. i even ventured into taking a series of self-portraits the other day (inspired by my friend, erin, over at bluebirdbaby)...

so here's looking at you.  :)

yours today,
