05 January, 2009

snack time and nap time...

today the weather was rainy and cold. a good time to curl up with a yummy snack and some good books. 

and then a long nap with papi. i hope everyone is enjoying some nice, cozy winter days!

yours on a cozy rainy cold day here in texas,



Marina said...

What a lovely, sweet picture of Maya and Papi. Hoping you got to snuggle in there as well :)

waldorfmama said...

marina - oh yes indeed...we are all big snugglers around here. :)

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and it's lovely. I was wondering about the wooden bowls you use. I was thinking about buying one for our son when he starts table foods, but I wasn't sure how to care for it. How do you care for the bowls? Very lovely stuff.

waldorfmama said...

shawn - yes, we use our wooden bowls for everything. the main thing about caring for them, or any wooden bowls or utensils, is to never let them stand or sit in water. we clean ours just after use with plain water and sometimes a little bit of soap, if necessary. then immediately dry them by hand. also about once a month or so we oil them with a combination of food-grade oil and beeswax. :)

momto5 said...

what a lovely picture. isn't that one of the best things about winter... getting cozy and reading a good book.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm thinking that a wooden bowl and spoon might make a special gift for my son when he starts table food. It's going to be a big day more for me than him I bet. It took us so long to have children, I simply had no idea what I was missing. Really, I'm glad I didn't because it would have made it even more painful. This is simply the best journey.

FrontierDreams said...

that picture is so precious shelley!! <3

Unknown said...

Aww, such a sweet pic of your boys! -e

Unknown said...

oops- not your boys, wasn't reading carefully! Sorry Maya! -e